“Empower One, Inspire Many - Always Pay it Forward”

At Her Empire Collective, we're dedicated to empowering female entrepreneurs with the tools, support and network they require to thrive.

Our focus is on transforming challenges into triumphs,cultivating an environment that nurtures and honours the entrepreneurial drive of women.

Together, we're not just building empires — we're empowering women every step of their entrepreneurial journey.

HerEmpire Collective is a dynamic organisation dedicated to influencing the business world through female entrepreneurship. We aim to rewrite the narrative by creating a culture where women have the confidence, tools, insights, and community to succeed.

Her Empire Collective


Her Empire Collective bragging rights badges
Her Empire Collective bragging rights badges
Her Empire Collective bragging rights badges
Her Empire Collective bragging rights badges
Her Empire Collective bragging rights badges
Her Empire Collective bragging rights badges
Our Services

What we do

We’re dedicated to fostering growth and success for female entrepreneurs in Africa. Through our holistic approach and an expansive support network, we help transform visionary women into leaders of thriving businesses.

Business Coaching & Development
Her Empire Collective business-coaching-and-development

Our unique "Pay it Forward'' approach ensures that empowerment echoes throughout our community, building a legacy of collective achievement and inspiration. Step into a network that celebrates and empowers women in entrepreneurship - partner with us to advance your business.

Her Empire Collective E-Commerce

Our e-Commerce store is not your average store; all products are handcrafted with passion by our female collective. Each product is focused on sustainability and future female enablement ....learn more

Financial Empowerment
Her Empire Collective fiancial-empowerment

We offer innovative financial solutions & support, including PO funding, invoice discounting, and access to growth finance, to fuel your business ...learn more

Her Empire Collective Events

At HerEmpire Collective, our events serve as platforms to showcase and promote female businesses and initiatives, fostering empowerment and community engagement among attendees ...learn more

Future Female Initiatives
Her Empire Collective future-females

We believe in nurturing the next generation of leaders. That's why we offer the Future Females’ Initiative, dedicated to empowering young females with the skills and mindset they need to succeed in the business world and beyond...learn more

Empowerment Programmes
Her Empire Collective empowerment-programs

Explore our Empowerment Programmes, designed to uplift and support women through mentorship, skill-building workshops and networking events, all aimed at helping them reach their full potential and make a lasting impact ...learn more

Our Testimonials

Voice of the Ladies

Our Testimonials

Voice of the Ladies

Our E-Commerce

Welcome to The Collective, where empowerment meets commerce.

Our e-commerce platform is more than just a marketplace; it's a vibrant community dedicated to showcasing and promoting products from all our female entrepreneurs. Here, you'll discover a curated selection of handmade, exclusive goods, each crafted with meticulous attention to detail. These items are not only of exceptional quality but also distinct from the average run-of-the-mill products found on traditional e-commerce sites. In addition, HerEmpire Collective provides key digital services focused on helping our clients extend their already thriving businesses to an online platform.

Join us in building a global community where empowerment thrives and female entrepreneurs enjoy the well-earned fruits of their success.

Check It Now
Empowering Future Females

Our Intern Programme

HerEmpire Collective Internship Program Image with joyful ladies doing the cancan

As part of our commitment to empowering young women, our internship programme guides participants through skill development to uncover their unique talents and passions and provides invaluable job experience.

If you're an ambitious young woman eager to gain hands-on experience in a thriving and empowering environment, we invite you to apply for an internship with us.

As an intern, you'll have the opportunity to contribute to meaningful projects and learn from seasoned professionals who will act as mentors. Within our Collective, you'll become part of a community that values your growth, both professionally and personally. Our supportive environment nurtures your marketing, entrepreneurship, and community-building abilities, allowing you to make a difference. Join us today, and let's build empires together!

Contact us

Contact info

George, Western Cape, South Africa

Phone: +27823316064

HerEmpire Collective Logo

HerEmpire Collective is a dynamic organisation dedicated to influencing the business world through female entrepreneurship.

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